In-person and Online Lessons Available. Piano Lessons for Adults and Gifted Children.

Personalized Music Lessons for Pianists, Musicians & Singers

Master the Secrets of Playing, Improvising and Composing

A professional, multi-talented musician:  Bill Keis has been a pro musician: teacher, author, pianist, keyboardist, composer, producer and musical director for over 40 years in the Los Angeles, CA and Phoenix, AZ areas.           He has performed with such notable and talented musicians and composers as Chick Corea, Mark Isham, David Campbell, Stanley Clarke, Ronnie Spector, Edgar Winter, Chaka Khan and Kate Ceberano. One of Bill’s compositions was used in the 2015 blockbuster movie, Avengers: Age of Ultron.

Bill is a patient teacher who has the ability to guide you toward your musical goals. Attaining your goals as a musician is largely tied to your basic understanding of music theory and its application, and Bill is a master at teaching this understanding. Many students have said they learned more with Bill in the first few lessons than they had in all their previous years of music lessons, and even College training.

Call (623) 234-1787 or (818) 636-3940 

The “Bill Keis Method”

Definitely not the same old boring, repetitive music lessons you’re used to

The “Bill Keis Method” was developed over years of teaching. It consists of a step-by-step, individually tailored program based on your past experience with music, education, existing performance skills (if any) and your own purposes and goals. Bill’s methods strip away confusions and create a fundamental understanding of music and rhythm.

Subjects covered include (in a highly personalized program of study):

  • Jazz, Classical and Contemporary Piano
  • Repertoire (learning songs)
  • Improvisation
  • Music Theory
  • Technique
  • Transposing Music
  • Composition
  • Arranging
  • Harmony
  • Chord Substitution
  • Sight Reading
  • Rhythm
  • Keyboards
  • Recording
  • Performance
  • How to Play in a Band
  • How to Find Work as a Musician
  • and much more…

What you study will be based on what you want to learn…

You’ll be able to learn the things you’ve always wanted, with all the confusing terminology cleared up along the way…

BILL SAYS:  “Piano is my main instrument, therefore most of my students have been pianists. However, roughly 70% of musical skill, theory and ability applies to any instrument, including voice. This covers theory, rhythm, harmony, melody, ear training, reading musical notation, improvisation, composition, etc.  The remaining 30% applies to the technique of the instrument one plays.”

TEACHING VOCALISTS & OTHER INSTRUMENTS:  “I have had great success teaching vocalists and those who play guitar, bass, drums, sax, flute, trumpet, trombone, violin, cello, harmonica, harp, and vibes.”

A BROAD RANGE OF MUSICAL STYLES:  “The styles of music that students are interested in include Jazz, Blues, Pop, Rock, Broadway, Latin Rock, Salsa, Country, Ragtime, Dixieland, Swing, Bebop, Rock N Roll, Gospel, Disco, Reggae, Classical, and so on.”

TEACHING WHAT YOU WANT TO LEARN:  “I do have a basic plan or curriculum, but each student is different. Some may want to play Blues or R&B or pop or jazz or show tunes or classical music. I design a program around what they want, what they need and what they can handle. I know that many teachers don’t do this.”

GETTING TO KNOW THE PERSON I’M TEACHING:“In the 1st lesson, I always ask the student what their goals are, what kind of music they want to play, what problems they have, etc.  Then I test them on basic skills to find ‘holes’ in their knowledge/skills to find the right level to start.  I have an uncanny ability to discover their main problem areas and/or misunderstood terminology and get to work right away handling them. It’s rewarding to see students very quickly begin to brighten up as they clear away years of confusion and musical barriers. I’ve met many seasoned pros who have holes in their knowledge or skill that have prevented them from reaching the next level.”

 “I’ve written a book that lays out all the important aspects of learning music in a simple manner, which I use as a reference all through the instruction process. There are also drills in it to develop vital skills that students need.”  Click for more info.

Personalized Music Lesson Rates:

1) Pay As You Go Rate: $85 per hour lesson

One lesson per week is recommended for good progress. It is OK to take a lesson every other week or less less often if needed. 24-hour notice is needed to cancel a lesson.

2) Block Lesson Discount Rate: $70 per hour lesson

Purchase five lessons in advance. These lessons must be taken in five consecutive weeks. 24-hour notice is needed to change the time/day of a lesson.

Lessons are delivered at Bill Keis Music studio,  located at:

650 N 157TH Dr., Goodyear, AZ 85338 USA

(Zoom lessons are also available. From your place to mine.)

Call (623) 234-1787 or (818) 636-3940

Contact Bill for more information:

**All fields required.

Contact Bill Keis

Testimonials from Bill’s music students…

Matt Lamy

 I have been studying with Bill for about 9 months. Prior to that I had taken lessons from many other teachers and had given up at several points over a 15-year period.
“During the time studying with Bill I’ve succeeded in playing several live situations including a wedding and a show at a restaurant. I’ve gotten many compliments on my playing and have begun to work with 2 singers as an accompanist.
“I really feel great about my playing and thanks to Bill I feel that I have not only improved by 300%, but I am really back on the road to being the kind of player I’ve always wanted to be.”

Kate Ceberano, Singer/Actress

Since studying with Bill, I’ve been performing and interacting with symphony orchestras, bands, and played piano on stage with a different “attitude” altogether. I don’t have that inner panic or misunderstood word phenomena (dull head, overwhelm and feeling intimated by other musicians, etc.). In fact, I’d stopped listening to music altogether because of those misemotions.”Now I am relishing my favorite artists and being moved by them all over again! I feel I can contribute confidently toward discussions about music. This is great!”

Ms. Ceberano is an Australian singer in the soul, jazz and pop genres and musicals. As a songwriter she received gold sales certification in 1998. She is also known for her acting in movies, TV and on stage.

Joe W. (Yelp review)

Mr. Keis is a consummate professional in every area of music. He has taught me so much in the past few years in regards to the piano. He has covered so many musical subjects in such a short period of time and has made them fun and exciting to learn. Mr. Keis has covered theory, harmony, grooves, scales, blues, jazz, improvisational techniques, and much much more. “Mr. Keis is not only an excellent instructor but a Master Musician, Producer, Songwriter, Pianist, and Recording Engineer. Whatever level that you are on Bill has the ability to take you to higher levels of achievement. Bill is an innovator and has the ability to turn ones musical weaknesses into strengths in a relatively short period of time, just like magic.”

Barry B.

 Although I played piano a little when I was a child, I always told myself that someday I would take lessons again. I was referred to Bill Keis by a piano tuner who played magnificently.  Bill was actually this guy’s teacher.  I had previously tried another teacher at a local music store who absolutely frustrated me. That guy was more interested in me listening to how great he played than teaching me.”I am now reading music, improvising, playing jazz, blues, a touch of classical, and understanding much more about rhythm, harmony and melody. Bill is an experienced musician who actively plays live gigs, as well as an accomplished and sought-after arranger, composer and recording artist.”He is the real deal.  I can’t recommend him enough as a teacher. I have weekly lessons at his studio, whenever my busy work schedule allows for it. It has proven to be a wonderful outlet for me.”

Ryan R.

I grew up playing guitar starting in 5th grade, and majored in music production in college. I had taken basic piano lessons here and there to get experience with the piano, but never felt comfortable on the instrument. I have been producing dance music for years, but I always felt my lack of confidence on the piano was preventing me from expressing myself.

“Before I found Bill I tried a few other teachers in the L.A. area, but they lacked the depth of knowledge and experience that Bill has, and were more interested in teaching me basic classical tunes or sight reading. The music they chose to teach me was boring and didn’t speak to me, so it was hard to stay focused.

“Within a few minutes of the first lesson with Bill, I could tell that he ‘got it’. I played him some complex modern music that really meant something to me, and he was instantly able to play the chords and explain the harmonic movement to me. It was a revelation in terms of his ability to demystify the theory behind the harmony and make it easy to understand.

More than anything, I wish I had a teacher like Bill when I was much younger. So many of my piano teachers took my childhood love of music and snuffed it out with boring lessons that eventually caused me to focus on guitar for most of my life. When the choice is between Led Zeppelin and Chopsticks, every middle aged boy is going to choose Jimmy Page. Bill’s talent and understanding of the theory that ties together so many musical forms would have been the magic potion to motivate a younger me to focus on the less alluring aspects of music.

“Ultimately his biggest lesson to me has been the importance of taking the time to learn the fundamentals of blues and jazz that so much amazing and powerful music is built on. His lessons have inspired me to practice on a regular basis, and I have been enjoying a newfound dexterity and depth of understanding of the piano and music in general

Ian Irwin

I have been studying with Bill for 3-4 years and it has been the best thing that has happened to me while I have been involved with music. His teaching methods are exquisite and I am simply fascinated every time he teaches me something I’ve been dying to learn. I remember when I first started studying with Bill; I always questioned his methods because I didn’t understand why it would help me in the long run.

“Now I am totally aware of why he taught me everything the way he did. Because of him, I have learned improvisational skills with the piano. He even got me a gig when I was only 13 years old. He has also been helping me when I choose to experiment with alternate instruments. He even gives me great advice when I have to record a new blues song with my dad and his friend who plays guitar. I have learned tons from you Bill, and I hope to learn much more.”

Carlos Lopez (Student's Father)

WOW!!!!!!!! THANKS BILL! I have to admit that music has impacted my son Bryan’s life in many ways. Ever since he began taking lessons with you he has become much more disciplined and dedicated. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and your passion for music with my son.”

Cathy D. (Yelp Review)

Bill Keis is an amazing teacher.  I was referred to him by my piano tuner.  I have learned so much from Bill over the past few months.  His teaching method is great and his book, The Complete Guide to Learning Music, is such a wonderful tool and an absolute necessity for me.

“I have had many teachers in the past; however Bill is so great at making music makes sense.   I feel so fortunate to have found him.”

Julie, Piano Teacher

I met Bill several years ago after moving to Los Angeles and opening up a piano teaching studio.  I initially went to him for jazz piano instruction, however I soon realized that he pretty much knows everything that relates to piano.  Whether it’s working on a song list for a gig, figuring out an accompaniment, or just improvising over chords, Bill will explain everything to you in a way that is easy to understand and implement. Through taking lessons, I was able to be more confident in teaching improvisation to my students as well as exploring jazz with them. Bill also provides a lot of encouragement and support while at the same time pushing you out of your comfort zones and into a new level of playing music. This is a philosophy that I’ve also transferred into my music studio.”

Glen D., Pro Harmonica Player

Coming to you for piano lessons and general musical instruction has been, without doubt, the best decision I have made for myself in at least six months! Although I’ve been a self-taught musician (harmonica) for many years, I’ve found my studies with you have revealed a whole new musical dimension.  Your ability to tailor my lessons to fit my interests and experience has given me much more than the beginnings of keyboard proficiency. With a new and deeper knowledge of musical theory and practice, I can see whole new worlds of possibility for me. It’s very satisfying and exciting!”

Frank Marsico, Pro Vibraphonist

Most vibes players arrive at the instrument through drums or keyboard.  Being a drummer first, I needed to learn piano theory.  I’ve studied with several piano players in Philadelphia and L..A.., but Bill is definitely one of the best.

“I must give credit where it’s due.  He has helped me immensely and has pushed my playing to a whole different level.”

Patty T., Piano Student

Just a note to tell you how much I enjoyed meeting you and having my first “inspiring” lesson.  I understand more now than I ever did in the past. I feel, for the first time, that there is a place to”go” and the possibility of really learning to play as opposed to just doing scales and “woodshedding”. As soon as I got home, I began doing the homework.  I got all the way through it once.

After you had me do that simple little four-note, right-hand fingering while you played the bass, I was so excited and believed for the first time in a long time that there is a very good chance that I just might learn to really play…as opposed to ‘playing at it’. I’m so looking forward to our next lesson.

Himanshu, Piano Student & Cardiologist

It  has always been my dream to be able to play jazz piano as I love improvisational music.  My father ia a big jazz fan and I am sure that this has had a great influence on me. After I came to the United States I started buying books on jazz piano and learning basic scales and chords.  I had no time during my postgraduate training to take formal piano lessons in jazz but realized this dream on 2004 when I first started with Bill. It has been great and I feel that I have learned a lot in less than a year.  As the time passed, my skills increased to the point where I joined a band and have played many pro gigs!”

George I., Parent of Student

I am very pleased—we have achieved a breakthrough.  Ian had been going to piano lessons because I made him.  Now he goes because he enjoys it and he can play songs he thinks are cool  he’s self-motivated and he practiced longer now, on his own. I see a big difference between his previous teacher and what you’re doing with him.  I felt I was in danger of losing his interest with his old teacher.  I quit piano lessons when I was a kid and have regretted that ever since.

“You’ve taught him more than just how to read music.  He’s able to open a Fake book (a book of songs with just melody & chords) and play.  You’ve given him the tools to go farther than I ever could.  It’s amazing to me that he understands more than I do. You have a very laid back style that works well with him.  You are extremely patient. Thank you.”

Videos of Bill Keis in Concert

You’ve heard the old saying that “those who can’t do, teach.” This is most certainly not the case when it comes to Bill Keis. Bill is a working musician who has performed with such notable and talented musicians and composers as Chick Corea, Mark Isham, David Campbell, Ronnie Spector, Edgar Winter, Chaka Khan and Kate Ceberano. He is also a highly competent composer, arranger, musical director, recording engineer and much more. The videos below attest to Bill’s jazz/contemporary keyboard skills. 

KKJZ 88.1 FM DJ Bubba Jackson introduces Bill Keis Quartet playing “Savannah West Blues”. Original song by Bill Keis first recorded on Bill’s “Journey” CD. Available from Bill Keis: Korg Kronos keyboard, Ric Fierabracci: bass, Tom Walsh: drums, Jerry Vivino: sax. This was the opening song for Izzy Chait Live at the Culver Club, 2013

Izzy Chait and Bill Keis Quartet live at the Culver Club in 2013. Bill Keis arrangement of the classic tune “Nature Boy”. Izzy Chait: vocals, Bill Keis: Korg Kronos keyboard, Ric Fierabracci: bass, Tom Walsh: drums, Jerry Vivino: sax.

Get the books that teachers and students are raving about…

“The Complete Guide to Learning Music”  by Bill Keis. The 3rd Edition is out now!


As a working musician and teacher, Bill was frustrated with the complexity and difficult learning curve of music instruction books available to the general public. He noticed that any time a student didn’t understand a particular musical term or concept, the student always had difficulty understanding and applying music theory beyond that point. This was found to be exactly the place where student’s musical understanding and progress stopped utterly. Only by clearing up the terminology and providing plenty of examples was the student able to break through the barriers and move past that point

He also found most textbooks inadequate in providing the proper balance of theory and practical application — so he decided to write his own textbook to help train his own students in an amazingly simple and straightforward manner. Students and teachers rave about how “The Complete Guide to Learning Music” makes music instruction easy.

Bill uses “The Complete Guide to Learning Music” in his lessons to debug areas of non-comprehension, producing startling results with his students. Bill has created this reference and musical training manual that is used by singers, guitarists, drummers and percussionists, keyboardists, horn and woodwind players to break through the wall of musical complexity to actually attain their musical goals

Available at in print and ebook formats:

“The Complete Guide to Learning Music” is available at as a series of 10 inexpensive books in both paperback and Kindle editions.  These books are also available on iTunes in Apple iBooks format.

Bill’s recently updated large book (shown in blue at left) is also available as a complete reference book for teachers and students. Anyone wishing to improve his or her understanding and skills in the areas of music theory and application will benefit from a thorough study of the knowledge in “The Complete Guide to Learning Music.” Get your copy today.

Reviews on Bill Keis’ book:

“The Complete Guide to Learning Music”

Mark Isham

I enthusiastically endorse this book! It is a wonderful way to enter and explore the adventure that is music, each step expertly presented to ensure a pleasurable and productive experience for any reader!”

Grammy and Emmy Award-winning, Academy Award-nominated Performer and Composer (Crash, A River Runs Through It, Bobby, Rules of Engagement, and many more).

Alex Johnstone

 I’m a singer, composer and band leader. I need a book like this to understand things I’m missing. I wish I could get a copy to my drummer who is currently taking drum lessons. This book is something that would help her too.”

Raven Kane

 Bill Keis’ The Complete Guide to Learning Music is perhaps the most comprehensive and easily assimilated book on music theory that I have come across in my 30 years as a musician and vocalist. I especially like the way he incorporates visual images into the book, making understanding of concepts so much easier. I would recommend this to any musician—young or old—as a guide, a manual or just as a refreshing way to sharpen up one’s basics in the area of music.”

Raven Kane is a Composer and vocalist who has sung and/or performed with Cher, Dolly Parton, Eric Burdon, Leonard Cohen, Kenny Loggins, Aaron Neville, Ringo Starr, Diana Ross, Willie Nelson and Paul McCartney; was Neil Diamond’s duet partner on his “Live Across America” tour; film credits as a vocalist include Disney’s Tigger and Aladdin, Mermaids, Days of Thunder, Land Before Time, Joe Versus the Volcano, Mindgames, Made in America, Dracula: Dead and Loving It, and Grace of My Heart.

Emanuele Ruffinengo

 As the musical director for Mad Hatter Studios in Los Angeles, I was looking for educational materials to use for helping to teach musicians. Since I’m a classical trained pianist and composer, I’ve studied many music books. I found out about The Complete Guide to Learning Music in 2008, and I have been using it ever since. I think it is great! It is used as a reference by other people here also, when specific music concepts or data need to be learned. I can definitely recommend it!”

Emanuele Ruffinengo is Musical Director-Mad Hatter Studios, 3-Time Grammy winner; co-producer of Chick Corea’s album “To The Stars”.

Bill Wagner, Portland, OR

 I want to communicate something wonderful regarding Bill Keis’ new book ‘The Complete Guide to Learning Music’. I have a very popular casuals band that plays mainly private events in the Pacific Northwest, and I also play solo nylon string guitar for private events. In addition, I teach guitar. Last summer, I needed the get my hands on the TRUE data of music, especially as it relates to composition, and Bill’s book has completely filled the void. I feel forever indebted to him for writing it. As a result, my composing stats have gone into affluence and I will soon be recording my first solo guitar CD. Music theory is plagued with mountains of false and confusing data. Bill’s book clears those up completely. As far as I am concerned, it is the Bible of music theory, including the REAL theory behind composition. There’s data in this book that you can’t find anywhere else. I can’t rave to you enough about it!”

C.L. (student)

I was failing my College music class until I read a few pages from your book which totally cleared up my confusions. I got an A on my test!”

Steve Weitz

 I have looked around for a complete book of music which provides basics and does not assume that the student knows about the subject already. I learned to play the piano starting from scratch using the “Piano for Dummies” book which isn’t too bad. At least it assumes the student is ignorant to begin with. Still I have been unable to locate certain words and symbols I find in sheet music or just hear in general. After reviewing the book I could tell that it was complete yet basic enough to appeal to the newer student. The definitions are very clean and straightforward. I have yet to find a musical word or symbol not in Bill’s book. It starts out on simply and gives the student a pathway toward proficiency. It gives drills with easily understood directions. I have wanted to learn/play music since I can remember. I have mastered more than one technical subject in my life. Now I have a reference guide to get me there with music.”

D. Gareth Wootton, MD (surgeon & pianist)

 This is a must for the library of anyone studying music. It is a luminous reference, a thorough text and a great study guide. It is clear, concise, instructive and interesting. One could not ask for more from a text.”

Jim Sturgess

 I love your book, man! I’ve always wanted to learn how to play walking bass and after studying your book I got pretty good at it, which led to several gigs where I have to play left hand bass.”

Fran Bart

 I got the book. It’s awesome! It’s just what I need to get back to the basics after 2 years of not playing. I’m going to pretend I’m a beginner and just go through everything. I love the rhythm part. You did an incredible job.”

Jon Ellzey

 I got your book and I read up through the table of contents. I was stunned is all I can say; I told my friend Danny he needs to look at this book by this guy who is the buddha of music. He is interested now in obtaining it also. I have never seen such accomplishment in music. I had about four years music in public school and some guitar teachers. Other than that I am self-taught on the guitar and at recording. Thank you for this book! I will make use of it and study it as my music bible.”

Joe W.

 With the help of his excellent book, Bill helped me develop a practice plan that allowed me to build fundamental piano skills, as well as continue to get my hands around funk, jazz, and dance music chord progressions that had always eluded me. His vast experience as a session player is an invaluable resource for gaining insight into the breadth of musical styles.”

Miles Jopling

 I taught myself how to play (bass) and needed something like this to study basic music theory. For example, I could use this book to learn how to read music. I want to learn how to play piano and this is a book I could totally understand.”

Nico (Piano Teacher)

 Your book is awesome and I already sold 3 to my adult students in the first week. I was frustrated with the usual textbooks, as they were not giving all the data or sometimes even false or confusing data. Yours is very easy to understand and has all the definitions needed during its study.”


I had the pleasure to clear up decades worth of misunderstood words and in doing so I had a realization on how to help a student to understand music better. “I cleared some more elementary words such as ‘tone’, ‘frequency’ ‘pitch versus amplitude’. It was embarrassing how I had these terms misunderstood and as a result had fixed ideas about the keys, chords and their use. In fact I couldn’t think with it at all. “Believe me, I’ve practiced keys but I never understood why beyond that it trained my fingers. But now having learned the ‘steps’ that make a major key and a minor key for the first time I understood WHY there are 3 sharps in A Major, 4 sharps in E-Major and so forth. After decades of robotically learning these scales, I’ve now cleared up the confusions. It’s wonderful!”

Steve Weitz

 After reviewing the book I could tell that it was complete yet basic enough to appeal to the newer student. The definitions are very clean and straightforward.”

Max Wilbanks

 What a great book. It has the basics to the very advanced. It is easy to understand. This is a book that is much needed out there. This book has something for everyone!”

for more information call:

(623) 234-1787 or (818) 636-3940

Copyright © 2016-2024  Bill Keis Music LLC.  All Rights Reserved.                      BILL KEIS MUSIC LLC and the BKM logo are trademarks and service marks owned by Bill Keis Music LLC.   650 N 157th Dr., Goodyear, AZ 85338